Acta Psychologica Sinica

Vol. 34 No. 1 , Pages 74 - 80 , 2002

Understanding Concepts and Moral Evaluations of White Lie and Truth-telling (Article written in chinese)

XU Fen, JING Chunyan, LIU Yin, & BAO Xuehua


The current study examined age differences in the participants’ concept and moral evaluations of lying and truth-telling. Three-, 4-, 5-, 7-, 9-, 11-year-olds, students from secondary school, and undergraduates were read scenarios about scenario characters making truthful or false statements in various conditions, and were asked to determine whether the characters lied and to make moral judgements on their statements. Results showed that: (1) most 4-year-olds had ability to understand the concept of white lie and truth-telling, while almost all 3-year-olds could not. (2) all participants, except the 3-year-olds, mainly relied on factuality to determine whether a statement was a lie; (3) from primary school, the older the participants were, the more effect of communicative motivation or setting factors on the moral evaluation on different kinds of lie and truth telling had.

Keywords: lying/truth-telling; communicative motivation and setting; moral evaluation

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