Acta Psychologica Sinica

Vol. 34 No. 6 , Pages 616 - 625 , 2002

Consuming Behaviors and Values in Middle School Students in Beijing (Article written in chinese)

SHI Shaohua, ZHENG Gang, GAO Jing, TANG Hong, CHEN Yiwen, YU Jisheng, & ZHANG Meiling


A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate consuming behaviors and values of adolescents in Beijing. Ss were 4193 students (1086 males and 2387 females) from middle schools and vocational schools, at the ages from 13 to 18. The written Questionnaire of Consuming Behaviors (For Middle School Students) was answered by Ss in group. Three factors were generated from the factor analysis, namely, keeping frugality, pursuing modern trend and consuming stress. Most of the Ss tended to keep traditional values of frugality. The rich-poor gap and consuming capability were not stressors for the adolescents. According to the analytical results, Ss’ consuming behaviors could be categorized into four basic types, i.e., carefully planning, fashion-seeking, practical consuming, and keeping up with peers and seeking uniqueness. The first type formed the largest group among the four. Special relational patterns could be detected between consuming behaviors and values.

Ss also answered Questionnaire of Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Individualism-Collectivism Scale. Based on the theory of consumer socialization, the factors underlying consuming values and behaviors were discussed. The authors argued specially for the influences of family economic status and parent-child relationship on consuming patterns of adolescents.

Keywords: consuming values; consuming behavior; adolescent; socialization

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