Acta Psychologica Sinica

Vol. 37 No. 1 , Pages 79 - 86 , 2005

Teacher Collective Efficacy and Its Moderating Effect on the Function of Teachers’ Self-efficacy (Article written in Chinese)

LIU Hongyun, CHANG Lei, & MENG Qingmao


Based on survey data collected from 1299 teachers representing 28 elementary schools, the important effects of collective efficacy as a school context characteristic variable were examined, including both as a predictor to explain the teachers’ mean difference among schools and as a moderator moderating the relations of self-efficacy and teachers’ characteristic variables, such as teachers’ job satisfaction, work devotion, internal motivation and the satisfaction of colleague relationship and demission tendency. Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) results revealed that (1) teachers’ self-efficacy significantly predicted teachers’ job satisfaction, work devotion, internal motivation and the satisfaction of colleague relationship and demission tendency, but there were school level variations among these effects; (2) the higher the school’s collective efficacy, the school means of teachers’ job satisfaction, work devotion, internal motivation and the satisfaction of colleague relationship were higher, and demission tendency was lower; (3) School-level collective efficacy moderated the relationships between self-efficacy and other teachers’ characteristics, teachers in higher collective efficacy schools, the teachers’ self efficacy was more positively related to teachers’ job satisfaction, work devotion, internal motivation and the satisfaction of colleagues than did those in lower collective efficacy schools, but more negatively related to demission tendency.

Keywords: teacher collective efficacy; teacher self-efficacy; moderating effect

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