Chinese Journal of Science Education

Volume 1 No 1, pp. 77-100(March 1993)

The Analysis of Mental Representation and Latent Trait of Understanding Image of Convex Lens

HAU Rong-Fu and HUNG Jeng-Fung


The purpose of this research is to develop, by way of the essence of cognitive psychology and modern measurement theory, an advanced interpretative system and an analytic mode. We can thus set up logical relationship between the observable entity and the theoretical entiof students' understanding toward image of convex lens and, on the basis of this, construct an explanatory model of understanding image of convex lens. We combine qualitative and quantitative consideration, abandon the conceptual analysis of expert system, and only take students' mental model as the reference frame of constucting ability variable of latent trait. After exact calibration of this ability variable by means of Rasch's partial credit model, this reference frame can be taken as the interpretative basis to diagnose and analyze students' understanding toward image of convex lens.
Keywords: Mental Representation, Scientific Knowledge, Partial Credit Model, Understanding Processes

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