Chinese Journal of Science Education

Volume 5 No 1, pp. 23-58 (March, 1997)

STS Teacher Development

WANG Cheng-Hsia


In pursuing the STS education, the teachers must clearly understand the STS belief and teaching goals, and be willing to adopt appropriate STS teaching strategies.

In this study, the preservice teachers A and B, used STS modules development and real teaching contexts, to examine their believes and values abot science teaching, and to confront inconsistencies in their beliefes and values about science education. In the study it was found that STS teachers are able to:

  1. Utilize local resources to design and use appropriate STS modules having high degree of self-modification;
  2. Promote situated learning in authentic holistic context;
  3. Exhibit enthusiasm toward students and teaching and be able to provide instruction appropriate for capabilities and learning styles of students;
  4. Promote multi-dimensional thinking ability, and problem-centered, constructivist learning;
  5. Prepare appropriate evaluation activities;
  6. Conununicate effectively with students and encourage them to ask questions;
  7. Monitor learning progress closely and adjust teaching strategies such as scaffolding cuing, questioning, and fading;
  8. Demonstrate metacognitive skills and sensitivity in relating to learning goals with critical, ethical, and world views;
  9. Promote cooperative learning including mutual stimulation and recognizing good points of others;
  10. Cultivate students' STS habits of mind (i.e., self-regulation, critical thinking, an creative thinking and readness to act on STS issues;
  11. Organize students for effective learning;
  12. Provide students with specific evaluation feedback;
  13. Expect learners to achieve well and provide active and positive learning climate;
  14. Use guided instruction (i.e. teach when they are ready and arrange learning in proper sequence before independent practice ); and
  15. Act as teacher/learner/researcher through feedback and self-regulated learning strategies.
Keywords: STS Teachers Characteristics; Teacher Professional Ability

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