Chinese Journal of Science Education

Volume 5 No 3, pp. 295-320 (September, 1997)

An Action Research Study of the Development of an In-service Teacher Education Program for High School Science and Mathematics Teachers - Teachers' Change and Curriculum Adjustment

GUO Chorng-Jee, CHIANG Wu-Hsiung, CHANG Wen-Hua


This action research study was focused on improving the curricula design of in-service for science and mathematics teachers enrolling in the summer school. The goal of the revised in-service program was to enhance teachers' theoretical understandings and practical insights regarding the teaching of mathematics and science. The redesigned program provide sufficient time and opportunities for teachers to construct suitable perspectives and understandings for the teaching, and thereby, enabling them to improve science and mathematics teaching.

In order to reach such a goal, it was necessary to modify the existing course structures, contents, and instructional methods. One of the important steps taken was that the in-service teachers were required to conduct action research studies of their own teaching when they returned to their regular schools. The action research examined their implementation of the ideas, methods, and examples presented in the in-service program.

Findings from the first year of this study indicated that some teachers gained increased awareness of what constitute good science teaching, some showed changes in their theoretical perspectives, and there were a few who actually took actions toward improving their own teaching. The stress of time and an overwhelming amount of summer session course work appeared to limit participating teachers' depth of understanding and personal experience with the new instructional principles and teaching strategies. They needed to gradually reflect on these ideas and put into practice what they had studied in the summer. The large number of teachers participating made it impractical for the researchers to have regular on-site visits and to provide necessary guidance and counseling. It was therefore suggested that in the future participating teachers prepare teaching portfolios, and that they be encouraged to establish collaborative action research studies with their peers located in the same region.

Keywords: Mathematics and Science Teaching; In-Service Education; Action Research; Constructivism, Conceptual Change

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