Chinese Journal of Science Education

Vol. 8 No. 1, Pages 77 - 100, 2000

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Preparing Pre-service Elementary Teachers for STS Teaching through S(KPL)S Model: A Sociocultural Perspective (Article written in chinese)

Yu-Ling LU


From a sociocultural perspective, this study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of pre-service teacher preparation when using S(KPL)S model (S: Society; K: Knowledge; P: Psychology; L: Logic; S: Society) as scaffolding framework to develop STS teaching materials and to facilitate the planning of instruction. Participants, divided into four groups, were 27 pre-service non-science majors enrolled in an one-semester science teaching methods course in a teachers college. Each group coo peratively designed and practiced a unit long teaching module. The four modules were modified after group discussion. Continuous discussion and practice involved the pre-service teachers in negotiation. This approach contributed to the building of a cultu re among the pre-service teachers, which serves as the foundation for changes in behavior and teaching beliefs. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in this investigation. Assessment instruments included those modified from previou s studies and those developed by the investigator. Data were collected from direct classroom observations and videotapes. These data were used to analyze teacher effectiveness. The study also gathered data on pre-service teachers' self reports and classro om observations to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Based on sociocultural theory, it was found that the S(KPL)S model had a significant positive impact. The results revealed that the S(KPL)S model for STS teacher education can: (1) help pre-ser vice teachers to teach science with a view that learning is developing within the context of real world events and issues which link with knowledge and information, (2) change pre-service teachers' beliefs, from realism to experimentalism and constructivi sm, (3) promote self-development of pre-service teachers. Five difficulties for using STS teaching were also discussed.

Keywords: STS, elementary school science; pre-service teacher education; teaching methods; social constructivism

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