Chinese Journal of Science Education

Vol. 13 No. 3 , Pages 289 - 315 , 2005

The Influence of Inquiry-Based Laboratory Teaching on 8th Graders’ Motivation toward Learning Physical Science (Article written in Chinese)

Chih-Chung TSAI & Hsiao-Lin TUAN


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of inquiry-based laboratory teaching on 8th graders’ motivation toward physical science. Research methods combined both quantitative and qualitative methods into the investigation. Students’ Motivation toward Science Learning (SMTSL) (Tuan, et al., 2002) questionnaire was implemented at the beginning of the semester (pre-test), after teaching two units (post test) and at the end of the second semester (delayed test) for the four experimental classes. The four classes of the control group only took the pre-test and the delayed test. Qualitative data included interviews with 32 students from 4 experimental classes. In the experimental classes, inquiry-based laboratory teaching was implemented in teaching chapters 7 & 8, while control classes maintained their traditional teaching methods. All the quantitative data were analyzed by MANOVA and Scheffe tests. All the qualitative data were analyzed by analytic induction methods. Findings of the study indicated that students in the experimental group showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in self-efficacy (p = 0.008), active learning strategies (p = 0.01), and achievement goals (p = 0.04) compared to the control group. The comparisons among the experimental group’s pre, post and delayed test, showed that students’ motivation had been maintained and promoted on the following scales: “self-efficacy”, “active learning strategies”, “performance goal”, “achievement goal”, and on the entire motivation questionnaire. Only one scale “learning environment stimulation” had been decreased. Discussion and implementation of the study will be addressed in the paper.

Keywords: inquiry laboratory teaching; learning motivation; physical science learning

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