Master of Arts in Education Thesis

Sept 2, 1994

An Investigation of the Relationship between Principals' Leadership and Teachers' Self Concept

CHOW Hung Wai


The present study aimed at examining the relationship between principals' perceived transformational leadership in terms of charisma/inspiration, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration and teachers' self concept in terms of pedagogical self, social self, personal self and administrative self. A total of 385 teachers and 25 principals from 25 secondary schools were involved.

A preliminary analysis was conducted. Teachers, in general, are found to have high self concept and teachers' response alternative towards their principals' transformational leadership is above the conceptual mean. Teachers' self concept measures are highly correlated with each other and so are the transformational leadership measures. Moreovert teachers' age, teaching experience and administrative experience are positively and significantly correlated with all the teachers' self concept measures. Principals possessing higher qualification and professional training tend to score higher in intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration.

The main analysis was conducted revealing that when the principals are perceived by their teachers as transformational ones, teachers tend to have quite high self concept. All the transformational leadership measures have a positive significant correlation with the teachers' self concept measures. Principalst charisma/inspiration significantly contributes to teachers' pedagogical self and personal self, whereas principals' individualized consideration is the powerful predictor to teachers' social self and administrative self. Moreover, teachers' administrative experience contributes to teachers' pedagogical self, while teachers' age contributes to teachers' personal self. Teachers' administrative experience, teachers' age and teachers' post contribute to teachers' administrative self.

Based on the above findings, some implication and recommendations were made for further research and practice.

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