Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences

Volume 32 No. 1, pp. 50-66 (September 1990)

Electronic Document Delivery System; Its Influences upon the Library Services

Shih-hsion Huang

Since the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China introduced Internet to the academic and research circles in Taiwan and established its TANet systems, there has been an accelerating rate for the use of international document delivery services. Document delivery includes electronic and printed documents. This article examines, in terms of "the supply of" and "the access to" electronic document, current applications of and library's adjustment to document delivery in Taiwan, and tile impact of printed document delivery on journal article service. This article also discusses the establishment, connection methods, searching functions, document delivery methods and features of UnCover database as well as its impact on libraries.
Keywords: Document delivery system, Academic library, Taiwan, TANet, UnCover2

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