Applied Linguistics (Yuyan Wenzi Yingyong)

No. 4 , Pages 25 - 36 , 2002

The Status Quo of Chinese Courtroom Trials From Linguistic Perspective (Article written in Chinese)

LIAO Meizhen


This paper is devoted to a quantitative analysis of transcriptions of 6 different but typical courtroom trials in terms of turns and adjacency pairs (distinguished as “question-response pairs” and “non-question-response pairs”) as well as distribution of question acts and their different forms among trial participants in the trial process with an eye to revealing the status quo of Chinese forensic reforms, the status of the participants in terms of discourse space and initiation-response relationship, and the functions of question in trials as employed by different questioners.

Keywords: turns; adjacency pairs; questions and responses; trials; distribution; courtroom trials

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