Applied Linguistics (Yuyan Wenzi Yingyong)

No. 3 , Pages 76 - 82 , 2006

“XY Zhongguo” and Its Semantic Interpretation (Article written in Chinese)

ZHOU Ri’an


With Zhongguo (中國) as a substitute for a place noun, the new component formed by putting a place noun after a common noun is marked as“XY Zhongguo”. The semantic models of this composition may be categorized into “topic + scope”, “instrument + object”, “attribute + subject” and“vehicle + tenor”. By comparing“Zhongguo XY” with “XY Zhongguo”, we can infer that word order influences the semantic choice of nouns in the secondary category. When placed after a common noun, a place noun may be given the meaning of scope, object, subject and tenor. In this case, the meaning of possession is avoided. This is the internal cause of the popularity of such novel forms of parent heading as Jingdian (經典) Zhongguo.

Keywords: XY Zhongguo; semantic; word order

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