Applied Linguistics (Yuyan Wenzi Yingyong)

No. 4, pp. 8-12(1994)

Middle school students' competence of their mother tongue

LI Tang


The status quo and the measures that must be taken Wei Zhiqiang the human brain and the natural language ---- Neurolinguistics under multi- directional study. This paper attempts to make a multi-directional examination of the achievements and problems in neuro-linguistic studies. The solution of the many problems in linguistic studies (like the classification of words, the basic units in Chinese syntax, the relations between form, pronunciation and meaning and those between syntax, semantics and pragmatics, etc.), in the final analysis, depends on the further development of neurolinguistics. And the new developments in linguistics, "n their part, have raised many questions for reconsideration by neurolinguistics, which is both a theoretical science and at the same time an applied science. The achievements of neurolinguistics have been applied extensively to the diagnosis and treatment of aphasics and, especially, to the development of computer of a new generation.

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