
"I slept and dreamt
That life was joy.
I awoke and saw
That life was service.
I acted and beholden,
Service was joy."

-Rabindranath Tagore

Our department is committed to the tradition of providing services in gifted education, counselling and guidance, special educational needs, and educational measurement (see the section on “ABOUT US”). Currently, colleagues of our department play leading roles in a Hong Kong Jockey Club Project on “Career and Life Adventure Planning”. Another innovative project is a robot-based intervention programme for improving gestural communication skills among children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Regarding regular service, our department also operates a counselling clinic. This endeavor serves two major purposes. First, the counselling service provides trainees (student counsellors enrolled in the MA Programme in School Guidance and Counselling) with direct experiences in counselling clients in settings mutually agreed upon by the supervisors and trainees. Each trainee completes a half-year practicum, comprising 20 consecutive sessions of supervised counselling. Within each practicum batch, 18-24 trainees have the opportunity to develop and practice their counselling skills by assisting clients with diverse life issues. Second, the operation offers community service in the form of counselling and consultation for various client groups, including students and adults. Each client is advised to participate in 15-20 counselling sessions. Approximately 40-45 new and continuing clients are involved in each half-year cycle of practicum service.

Counselling Clinic Service Online Application Form