Reduce incoming virus notifications

The Univerity's email server is protected by anti-virus software. Whenever a virus email comes in, the virus body will be removed. The system then send you a notifications for the cleaning actions. Due to the fact that some virus use massive email as the way to propogate itself, your email account receive many incoming emails (with virus) and therefore you receive a lot of virus notifications. To reduce the incoming virus notifications, you can apply "email filter" in your Microsoft Outlook (98/2000/XP/2003). With this filter, newly arrive notifications will be processed automatically.


All emails/messages infected with virus will be removed silently without notices of the sender and the receiver side. It results in bad communications in some cases. You must use it with care.


Clarify the version of Microsoft Outlook

To clarify the version of Microsoft Outlook, first launch the Outlook, then on the "Help" / "說明" menu, select "About Microsoft Outlook" / "關於 Microsoft Outlook". It will show the version of Microsoft Outlook here, and for the Microsoft Outlook XP, it will shown as Microsoft Outlook 2002.


For Microsoft Outlook 98

For Microsoft Outlook 2000

For Microsoft Outlook XP


Remark: For other email clients, please visit


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