IT Lab 1
Faculty of Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

English Version | 中文版

Condition of Use

  1. This computer room is administrated by the Faculty of Education (FED) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is open to FED staff & students ONLY. Other persons, except with the authorization from FED, are not allowed to enter this computer room.
  2. Users are advised to carry their CUHK ID cards when working in this computer room. FED staff will perform random checks on the users' identites, and have the right to request users to produce their ID cards. Those who cannot or will not show their CUHK ID cards to FED staff - or cannot prove that they are FED staff,students or authorized computer room users - will be requested to leave the computer room immediately. Those who refused to leave may be referred to the Security Unit of the University or the Police.
  3. Users should not install any software in any workstation without FED authorization. Those who violate these rules will responsible for all legal responsibilities.
  4. Users should not make copies of copyrighted software/products. Such software/products are protected by The Copyright Ordinance.
  5. Users should not attach/detach any hardware or device to/from the equipment provided in the computer room without FED authorization.
  6. Users should not move any facilities and furniture in the computer room without FED authorization.
  7. Users should be responsible for the care and use of the Faculty's facilities. They may be liable for the cost of repairing any damage caused to the facilities by negligence or failure to adhere to proper operating procedures.
  8. Users should not use computers to create sound or music that may disturb other users. If you are working on a multimedia project, please use the headphones provided at each workstation to hear any audio output.
  9. Users should work quietly in the computer room. Undue noise, or social gatherings are not allowed in the computer room.
  10. Users should not log in more than one workstation on the LAN at the same time.
  11. Users should clean up their work area when they leave the computer room.
  12. Users are permitted to bring bags and and briefcases into the computer room; however, umbrellas should be deposited by the entrance. No food or beverages can be brought into the computer room.
  13. Users should take care of their belongings in the computer room. Faculty will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings in the computer room.
  14. In the computer room, priority is given to teaching activities. If the computer room is reserved for a lecture/class, students not belonging to the class should leave immediately.
  15. FED computer staff have the right to reassign any workstations that have been left idle for more than 15 minutes to other users in the computer room. FED will not be responsible for any data loss or damage to anyone's work should the workstation need to be shut down in order to be reassigned to another user.
  16. No computer games should be played in the computer room.
  17. No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in the computer room.
  18. No notices may be put up in the computer room without FED authorization.
  19. Users should not viewed any obscene pictures or visit any obscene homepage from any of the workstations in the computer room. Anyone violating any of these rules will be requested to leave the computer room immediately.
  20. In the case of ambiguity over any English/Chinese translations, the English version shall be taken as the offical version.

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Last Updated: Nov 2002



  1. 本電腦室由香港中文大學教育學院管轄並只供學院所屬之職員或學生使用。除特別授權者外,其他人不允許使用本電腦室。
  2. 使用者在使用本電腦室時應攜帶其中大學生證,並於學院職員檢查證件時出示其學生證。若使用者並未能出示其證件或證明其身份,學院職員有權要求使用者立刻離開本電腦室。若使用者拒絕離開,本院職員將通知及轉交校方保安組或警方處理。
  3. 使用者不應在未授權之情況下安裝任何軟件。如遇有任何使用者安裝非法軟件,使用者須自行負上法律責任。
  4. 使用者不應複製有版權之軟件/產品。此類軟件/產品受版權法保護。
  5. 除本電腦室提供之電腦設備,使用者不能在未授權之情況下接上/拆下任何電腦硬件或儀器。
  6. 使用者不能在未授權之情況下搬動任何設施或傢具。
  7. 使用者應小心使用本電腦室內之設施。若發現設施乃因不小心或不恰當使用下受損毀,使用者必須自行負責該設施之維修費。
  8. 使用者不應在電腦上製造滋擾性噪音,以免干擾其它使用者。多媒體使用者可使用接駁於各電腦上之耳筒。
  9. 使用者應保持安靜,不可在電腦室內呼叫、喧嘩或集會。
  10. 使用者不能同時登入超過一台以上之網絡電腦,以確保每位使用者有公平之使用權利。
  11. 使用者應於離開電腦室前清理其座位之雜物。
  12. 使用者可攜帶其手袋或公事包進入電腦室,雨傘則存放於電腦室門外。食物及飲品皆不能攜帶進入本電腦室。
  13. 使用者應小心保存其個人財物,學院對任何個人財物之損毀及遺失並不負責。
  14. 本電腦室以上課為最高優先次序使用。在上課期間,其他非上課藝同學應立刻離開。
  15. 本電腦室職員有權將空置超過十五分鐘之電腦轉給其他使用者使用。學院對於未存檔而導致的資料遺失將不負上任何責任。
  16. 不可在電腦室內玩電子遊戲。
  17. 不可在電腦室內飲食或吸煙。
  18. 不可在未授權之情況下於電腦室內張貼海報。
  19. 使用者不可展示任何淫褻或不雅之圖片或網頁。若有違反,本院職員有權要求使用者立刻離開電腦室。
  20. 以上所列規條以英文譯本為準。

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