30 August, 2017

LED Homecoming: Family Day

Group Photo

The LED Homecoming event was successfully held on 5 August 2017. Alumni came back with their kids and had an enjoyable and fun afternoon. They also prepared cakes, drinks and activities like storytelling, music appreciation, cooking PaMa and barter trade corner. Special thanks to Ms. Sharon Chan, Mr. Tony Chang, Mr. Chiu Hong Son, Ms. Vince Li, Ms. Chloe Liu, Mr. Shawn Tsang, Ms. Irene Wong, Mr. Leo Wong, Mr. William Yeung, Ms. Amy Yuen and LED Alumni Association who organised the event collaboratively.

The videos and photos are uploaded to CUHK LED Alumni Association Facebook!


L1007512 (Making Fruit Punch)

Making fruit punch together!


L1007550 (Chinese Storytelling)

Storytelling time


L1007618 (Music Appreciation)

Music appreciation