

  • Cherrie-Chau_1_160x160_acf_cropped-1

    It is rewarding and enjoyable to have the precious opportunity to study abroad at the University of Seoul. Classes I took in UoS are designated for exchange students and quite different from the other courses for local students. One of the most unforgettable activities in class has to be the cover dance presentation in a sociology class about mass media and popular culture in Korea. Apart from studying, I am lucky enough to make friends from all around the world, thanks to the very interactive learning atmosphere in class. In order to make the best out of the exchange experience and meet more new people, I joined a language exchange group to have more chances to practise my Korean and English. It is such an eye-opening period of time to discuss our cultural differences and thoughts in English and Korean. The exchange experience makes me realise the importance and the power of languages to connect with people and broaden one’s horizon.

    Cherrie Chau (Admitted in 2019; Exchanged to University of Seoul in 2022-23 Term 1)
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    The world is SO big – that’s what I have learnt from my exchange. Despite the packed learning schedule of our ELED programme, going for an exchange is undoubtedly a plus for my university life. The Queen’s University offers ample opportunities for me to meet students from all around the world. I get wider insight because people with different backgrounds share a variety of ideas. The professor for my musical course is especially encouraging so I become more confident that I sing and act in front of my class without worrying too much. Apart from academics, I learn to live a life on my own as I get to make a lot of decisions for myself. Of course, I also go to cities nearby during weekends. The world is prettier and bigger than I thought!

    Kailey Yu (Admitted in 2019; Exchanged to Queen’s University in 2022-23 Term 1)
  • Bethany-Yau_P1_160x160_acf_cropped-1

    Slow-paced, comfortable and chill would be the three perfect adjectives to describe the Netherlands. Cycling everywhere is one of the most pleasant experiences ever. Kayaking at night through the medieval city is another unforgettable activity. It felt like I was in wonderland! At school, it was eye-opening to have small classes where the professors could address our questions on a more personal level. Taking courses that I am unfamiliar with, such as art history and performance, is absolutely challenging yet worth it. On top of all these local experiences, travelling around Europe has also been fun, and most importantly, cheap! Getting to see Paris in snow, and the Northern lights in the Arctic Circle, are definitely two of the coolest travelling episodes! This exchange program has shown me so much that I have never heard about, and opened my eyes to way more possibilities in life than I have ever known.

    Bethany Yau (Admitted in 2019; Exchanged to Utrecht University in 2021-22 Term 2)
  • Janice-Lee_P1_160x160_acf_cropped-1

    I am so grateful that CUHK offered me a chance to go on an exchange to San Diego State University, USA. I have met numerous talented and intelligent students from all around the globe, mostly from the States, Europe and Mexico. Fully immersing myself in a foreign culture, I have exposed myself to new ideas and perspectives. Understanding the local culture is the first step to blend into the community and develop a sense of belonging. After this precious experience, I have learnt more about myself and this definitely helps me to plan my career path in the future.

    Janice Lee (Admitted in 2017; Exchanged to San Diego State University in 2021-22 Term 2)
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    To say I had butterflies in my stomach would be an understatement; I had no idea what to expect and being alone in a foreign country all felt very overwhelming and daunting. ‘What if’ questions consumed my mind.  What if I don’t get into my classes?  What if I don’t make any friends?  What if my roommate and I don’t get along?  What if going on exchange turns out to be a huge mistake?


    My worries soon became the most beautiful and fun memories that I’ll cherish for a long time. I’m forever grateful to have had the opportunity; it made me a changed person.  From the people to the experiences, it was everything I had hoped for and more.  Every day, I wasn’t just living – I was thriving.


    And looking back now, I want nothing more than to have those butterflies again.

    Ma Yu Sum (Admitted in 2017; Exchanged to Yonsei University in 2019-20 Term 1)
  • Gladys-Lam_Exchange-4_160x160_acf_cropped

    Through participating in a term-long exchange programme in Singapore, I have learnt to appreciate multiculturalism and embrace diverse values.  Also, I have gained a better understanding of the education system in Singapore.  Similar to Hong Kong, Singapore is often seen as Asia’s economic powerhouse.  Yet, the little red dot has a lot to offer in terms of cuisine and cultural heritage as well.  My exchange experience has definitely widened my perspective towards different cultures and religions.  I am truly grateful for this opportunity to study overseas and meet friends from all over the world.

    Gladys Lam (Admitted in 2017; Exchanged to Nanyang Technological University in 2019-20 Term 1)