Keynote and Invited Speeches

Pang, N.S.K. (2011). The Professionalization of Principal Training in Hong Kong in the Era of Globalization. Keynote speech delivered at the Second National Forum on Principal Training in China: Professionalization and Research, on September 25-26, at Beijing, China.

Pang, N.S.K. (2011). The Impact of Globalization on Higher Education Reform in China. Keynote speech delivered at the 2011 International Forum on Higher Education, on October 22-24, at Chongqing, China.

Pang, N.S.K. (2011). The Development of Quality School Education in Hong Kong: From Self-evaluation, Organizational Learning, Learning How to Learn, to Assessment for Learning. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference for the School Actualization Program in Taiwan. Organized by Centre for Educational Research and Evaluation of the National Taiwan Normal University, March 11-12, 2011, pp, 19-27.

Pang, N.S.K. (2010). The continuing professional development of Hong Kong principals under globalization. Keynote speech and proceedings of the 2010 Taiwan, China and Hong Kong Principalship Conference. Organized by National Institute of Educational Research, Nationa Taipei Normal University, and the Secondary and Elementary School Principals Association of the R.O.C., at Taipei, Taiwan, December 9-14, pp. A2, 1-14.

Pang, N.S.K. (2010). The impact of globalization on higher education in the Asia-Pacific region. Keynote speech and proceedings of the 7th Academic Conference on Higher Education in Chinese Societies. Organized by the College of Education, National Chengchi University & National Chinan University, at Taipei, Taiwan, October 16-24, pp.319-340.

Pang, N.S.K. (2010). Hong Kong and Taiwan Students’ Performance in International Comparative Studies: Implications for Educational Reform. Keynote speech delivered at the Academic Conference on the Inauguration Day of the Faculty of Education, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, ROC, February 1, 2010.

Pang, N.S.K. (2010). The impacts of globalization on educational management. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Review and Prospect of Educational Management Development since Reform and Opening-up (pp. 9-16), January 13-15. China, Guangzhou: School of Public Administration, South China Normal University. (in Chinese) January 13-15, 2010.

Pang, N.S.K. (2009). Managing educational innovation and change. Keynote speech delivered at the International Conference on Educational Innovation and Creativity, organized by the Taiwan National Changhua University of Education, November 11, 2009.  (in Chinese)

Pang, N.S.K. (2009). Change and innovation in educational evaluation. Proceedings of Forum on Educational Change and Innovation in Chinese Societies (pp. 207-213). China, Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University. (in Chinese)

Pang, N.S.K. (2009). A Critique on Hong Kong Students’ Performance in International Studies. Keynote Speech delivered at the Hong Kong-Taiwan 2009 Conference on the Issues and Challenges of Educational Reform and Development (Code PM01, pp. 1-30), organized by the School Development & Evaluation Team, The Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, at The Chinese University , Hong Kong, February 12, 2009.

Pang, N.S.K. (2008). The Strategies of School Development and Organizational Change in Hong Kong. Keynote speech delivered at the 2008 International Conference on Education Management and Academia-Industry Strategic Alliance: Dialogue among Theory, Research and Practice, organized by the College of Lifelong Learning and Research and Graduate School of Educational Administration, Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan, ROC, November 14-15.

Pang, N.S.K. (2008). Managing School Change and Innovation. Keynote speech delivered at the 2008 Annual Conference on Educational Entrepreneurship and Management for Taiwan Scholars and Graduate Students, organized by the Graduate Institute of Educational Entrepreneurship and Management, at National Tainan University, Taiwan, ROC, November 15, 2008.

Pang, N.S.K. (2008). Educational Quality and Quality Culture. Keynote speech delivered in the Taipei Municipal 2008 International Conference on Educational Excellence and Excellent Schools. Organized by the Department of Education of Taipei City Government, Graduate School of Educational Administration and Evaluation of Taipei Municipal University of Education, and Taipei Teachers In-Service Education Centre, at Taipei, Taiwan, October 04, 2008.

Pang, N.S.K. (2008). Hong Kong Students’ Performance in International Studies. Keynote addressed at the Conference on Assessment Knowledge, organized by the National Education Institute for the Republic of Slovenia, at Hotel Evropa, Celje, Slovenia, March 12-13, 2008.

Pang, N.S.K. (2008). Educational Evaluation for Sustainable School Development: Hong Kong Experience. Keynote addressed at the Conference on Assessment Knowledge, organized by the National Education Institute for the Republic of Slovenia, at Hotel Evropa, Celje, Slovenia, March 12-13, 2008.

Pang, N.S.K. (2007). Leading and managing educational change through school-university partnership. Keynote address at the 2007 International Academic Conference on Strategic Alliance and Management in Education (pp.59-71), organized by the Teachers College, National Chiayi University, at Chiayi, Taiwan , ROC, May 19-20.

Pang, N.S.K. (2006). The continuing professional development of principals in Hong Kong. Invited paper presented in the 2nd International Forum on Teacher Education, organized by International Centre for Teacher Education, East China Normal University, APEID, UNESCO Bangkok, 25-27, October 2006, Shanghai, China.

Pang, N.S.K. (2004). School Development and Self-evaluation. Invited paper presented at The International Conference on School Development Projects, organized by the Gansu Basic Education Project Management office and Northwest Normal University,  Lanzhou, Gansu, September, 12-16. 20 pages. (In Chinese)

Pang, N.S.K. (2004). Managing Organizational Change through School Self-evaluation. Invited paper presented at the seventh Academic Conference of China National Commission for Educational Management, organized by the CNCEM. China: Chang Chun, August, 16-19. 20 pages. (In Chinese)

Pang, N.S.K. (2002). The development of school self-evaluation in Hong Kong. Invited paper presented at the HRCTEM-VVOB International Workshop on Development of School Management, Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-21 November 2002, 24 pages.

Pang, N.S.K. (2001). Evidence-based school improvement. Invited paper presented at the education seminar at the Faculty of Education, The University of Newcastle, Australia, August 2, 2001, 24 pages.

Pang, N.S.K. (2001). What we know and how we know it: A preliminary study of managerial practices of high school in Shanghai. Invited paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA, April, 10-14, 2001, 15 pages. [ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EA 031073]

Pang, N.S.K. (2000). The new trend of school education system in the Hong Kong SAR. Invited paper presented at the Fourth Education Forum for Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan on “The School Education Systems in the New Millennium”, organized by the Centre for International and Comparative Education, South China Normal University, Shun De, Guangdong Province, China, December 14-16, 2000. (In Chinese, 13 pages)

Pang, N.S.K. (2000). The development of school-based management in Hong Kong. Invited paper presented at the 5th Academic Conference of China National Commission for Educational Management, organized by the CNCEM, at Shaan Xi Normal University, Xi’An, China, September 18-21, 2000. (In Chinese, 30 pages)

Pang, N.S.K. (2000). The new roles of school managers in Hong Kong in the new millennium. Invited paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Education, organized by the Educational Managers Training College, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 20-25, 2000, 14 pages.

Pang, N.S.K. & Wu, Z. H. (2000). Managerial practices of primary schools in Shanghai—A pilot study. Invited paper Presented at the “Conference on Basic Education: Reform of Basic Education,” organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, Faculty of Education, CUHK, and the Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association, Shatin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 01, 2000, 14 pages. (half contribution)

Pang, N.S.K. (2000). The new trend of school management framework reform in Hong Kong. Invited paper presented at the Educational Conference on “How Does Macau’s Education Move On in the New Millennium?”, organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau and the Department of Education and Juvenile. China, Macau SAR, May 20-21, 2000. (In Chinese, 16 pages)

Pang, N.S.K. (1999). Students’ quality of school life in Hong Kong schools. Invited paper presented at the National Forum on the Social Outcomes of Schooling organized by the Performance Measurement and Review Branch of Education Queensland, Surfers Paradise, Brisbane, Australia, July 20-21, 1999, 24 pages.

Pang, N.S.K. (1998). The selection and uses of performance indicators. Keynote address at the Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Teachers' Association, Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong, November 14, 1998. (In Chinese, 16 pages)

Pang, N.S.K. (1998). The Educational Reform of School Quality in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. Keynote speech at the Academic Seminar on Education, Jaingxi Normal University, Nanchang, China, April 28.  (In Chinese, 16 pages)

Pang, N.S.K. (1998). The school management culture in the 21st century. Keynote address at the Seminar on Macau Schools’ Educational Administration in the 21st Century, University of Macau, February 14-15. (In Chinese, 14 pages)

Pang, N.S.K. (1997). In search of excellent schools. Keynote address at the “Designing Schools for the 21st Century” Conference, organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research and the Department of Educational Administration and Policy, CUHK, Hong Kong, March 2, 1997, 23 pages.

彭新強(2011)。《全球化衝擊下香港校長培訓的專業化發展》。專題演講發表於第二屆全國中小學校長培訓專業化研究論壇。由北京教育學院主辦,於2011年9月25-26日, 中國北京北京會議中心舉行。

彭新強(2011)。《全球化對中國高等教育改革的衝擊》。專題演講發表於2011年高等教育國際論壇。由中國高等教育學會和重慶市人民政府主辦,於2011年10月22-24日, 中國重慶市舉行。


彭新強(2010)。《全球化衝擊下的香港校長持續專業發展》。專題演講發表於兩岸三地「校長的學習與學校改進」國際學術研討會,臺灣國家教育研究院、國立臺北教育大學、中華民國中小學校長協會,國立中正大學教育學研究所聯合主辦,2010年12月9日至14日,頁A2, 1-14。

彭新強(2010)。《全球化對亞太地區高等教育的衝擊》。專題演講發表於「第七屆兩岸高等教育學術研討會」,臺灣國立政治大學 暨國立暨南大學聯合主辦,2010年10月16日至24日,頁319-340。




彭新強(2009)。《教育為甚麼需要進行改革?》。專題演講發表於「建設新農村創新農村教育高端論壇」。由香港活知識立群社、西北師範大學與涇川縣教育局合辦主辦,於二零零九年四月十二至十三日, 甘肅省涇川縣舉行。


彭新強(2008)。《學校經營變革與創新》。專題演講發表於臺南市第七屆臺灣學者暨博士生教育經營與管理學術研討會。由國立臺南大學 教育經營與管理研究所主辦,於二零零八年十一月十五日舉行。






彭新強 (2000)。《「校本管理」在香港的發展》。論文發表於中國全國教育管理學科專業委員會第五屆學術年會,主辦機構為中國全國教育管理學科專業委員會。中國、西安、陝西師範大學、學術活動中心。2000.9.18-21,30頁。


彭新強(1998) 。〈香港特別行政區的學校教育素質改革〉。論文發表於江西師范大學學術講座,主辦機構為江西師范大學教育科學學院學。中國,南昌。1998.04.28。16 頁。


Chinese University of Hong Kong