New Horizons in Education

No. 39, Pages 79 - 87, 1998

Sun Zi's "The Art of War": Applications for the Classroom

LOI Soh-Loi & TEO Cheng-Chuah, Jack


Sun Zi's two thousand year old treatise, The Art of War is the locus classicus of concentrated wisdom on the conduct of war. However, in recent times, it has become fashionable to cite Sun Zi as authority in fields like entrepreneurship and hu man resource management. This paper attempts to show that many of Sun Zi's doctrines are of general application and mutatis mutandis can be used to enhance the teaching skills of teachers. In education, the objective is to create in students, the ability to reason and think and not to study only what they have been taught. In the language of Sun Zi, ultimate victory occurs only when students continue to learn on their own. This article illustrated how the strategies in The Art of War can be applied in the context of modern day teaching to stimulate creative learning and foster higher order thinking skills in students.

Keywords: Sun Zi; The Art of War

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