New Horizons

No 32, pp. 37-41 (November, 1991)

The Role of the School Principal as an Administrator: A Key Issue of "The School Management Initiative"



In March 1991, the Hong Kong Education and Manpower Branch and the Education Department published The School Management Initiative. The major objective of issuing this document, as indicated by the subtitle, is to set the framework for improving quality in schools. The document holds that the lack of clearly defined roles and responsibilities throughout the education system, from the Education and Manpower Branch down to schools, creates various problems in central government roles and responsibilities, as well as relationships between policymakers and their executives. As a response, this paper discusses the role of the school principal as an administrator. It addresses the significance of building up a common educational goal with teachers, working with teaching as "people", emphasising motivation rather than regulation, influence rather than control, and adopting an indirect rather than direct approach to teacher problems. Moreover, paying attention to staff development and learning the art of delegation (and teachers' participation) is essential in enhancing the morale of teachers in schools.

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