New Horizons

No 34, pp. 66-71 (November, 1993)

Debate: An Underused Strategy to Enhance Critical Thinking in the Classroom

Elfed Vaughan ROBERTS and Philip STIMPSON


Talking is one way pupils demonstrate thinking. Debate is a structured form of talking and thinking which emphasises argument and justification and is a means to encourage critical thinking in a number of subject areas in the school curriculum. It comprises opposing arguments in a formal adversarial setting. Successful use requires selection of a suitable topic which is open ended and controversial, a classroom organisation which is pupil centred and which encourages peer supported experiential learning and a teacher who accepts a classroom role as a facilitator. Planning classroom debates involves careful consideration of clarity in setting and ensuring all understand the objectives, helping pupils to comprehend the motion, selecting and organising speakers, preparing arguments, procedures for running debates and the nature of follow up.
Keywords: critical thinking; classroom debate

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