New Horizons

No 34, pp. 85-92 (November, 1993)

Factors Influencing the Achievement of Teaching Objectives among Primary and Secondary School Physical Educators in Hong Kong

Amy S.C. Ha


Most teacher educators assume that the achievement of teaching objectives is an indicator of successful teaching. However, factors influencing teaching achievement in physical education have not been clearly identified. This study was carried out to investigate factors influencing the achievement of teaching objectives among local primary and secondary school physical educators. A total of 278 subjects were surveyed. Data were obtained from an 80-item response questionnaire developed by the investigator. The major results of the study include: (a) Management skills were found to be the only factor accounting for the difference in the achievement of teaching objectives between novice and veteran physical educators. (b) Regardless of teaching experience and school levels, inadequate sports facilities and school support were considered by physical educators to be the greatest obstacles to achieving their teaching objectives. If certain adjustments are made in the Curriculum of local primary and secondary schools, as well as teacher preparation programmes, the quality of teaching and student's learning could be improved to a large extent. Fitness programmes which require little equipment should be incorporated into the primary and secondary curricula. In physical education teacher preparation, emphasis should be put on class management skills .
Keywords: Influencing Factors; Hong Kong; Physical Education; Teaching Objectives; Primary and Secondary Schools

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