New Horizons

No 34, pp. 110-115 (November, 1993)

Education for Moral Living - Reconsideration of Assumptions, Approaches and Modelling

LEE Wing on


Today's educational crisis can be regarded as a value crisis. There has been a revival of concern for moral education in recent years, in the face of various types of educational crisis. Discussion on moral education today is largely dominated by values clarification, moral reasoning, and moral development. However, attention should also be paid to affective development and moral living, This paper outlines some recent concern for affective development and moral living in moral education, and discusses issues that may be crucial for the affective development and moral living of students. In the main, it calls for a just community for the practice of moral living, emphasis on reflection and dialogue, and self-regulation in moral instruction, and a provisional role model for students in moral life.
Keywords: Moral Education; Affective Development; Modeling; Moral Living; Teacher

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