New Horizons in Education

No 36, pp. 71-79 (November, 1995)

Promoting teachers use of instructional technology in Hong Kong

Sabrina Su-Fen CHIN


Learners now must learn new skills, new methods and acquire new knowledge to face the challenge of overwhelming information. Instructional technology is found to be a valuable vehicle to serve such needs. In the classroom, instructional technology can not only support teachers to effectively present materials to the learners but also assist learners to conduct rapid and massive information searches, analysis, and synthesis. However, even it teachers are aware of the impact of technology in learning, they may still not use it in classroom teaching for several reasons. To rernain up-to-date, teachers should recognize their new role in the technology integrated curriculum, acquire knowledge and develop skills to make technology a powerful means for teaching. This paper first examines the new teacher-technology-student relationship. Factors that cause teachers use, under use, or no use of instructional technology in the classroom are investigated. Principals support is vital to the promotion of teachers use of instructional technology. A set of guidelines for the principal is listed. In-house training programs are recommended for they can best meet the needs of individual school and develop the rapport among the teaching staff for better collaboration and communication. Suggestions for such inservice training programs are made.
Keywords: Teacher; Instructional Technology; In-Service Training; Hong Kong

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