New Horizons in Education

No 37, pp. 102-109 (November, 1996)

Methods to Enhance the Chinese Language Ability of Students in Hong Kong

Hon Kwong CHOW


The mastery of language ability often affects a person's cognitive and reasoning ability. It also influences his or her affective development both directly and indirectly. Society has noticed a deterioration of language ability amongst the Hong Kong students since the introduction of the nine years' compulsory education system. This has aroused a lot of concern amongst educationists.

In July, 94, The Education Commission published the "Report of the Working Group on Language Proficiency". Its aim was to identify the factors that influence the development of language ability of Hong Kong students both in Chinese and English. It showed that the authorities were taking necessary steps to find methods to solve the problem.

There are multiple reasons that caused the decline of the students' language ability, including political, social, economic reasons and the changes in the mode of communication. This essay discusses from the point of view of education, trying to look into areas such as:

  1. arrangement of educational materials;
  2. the focal point of the educational methods;
  3. matching of consolidation exercises

These points will be assessed as to their importance in the enhancement of the students' language ability.

Keywords: Students; Language Ability; Chinese Language; Curriculum; Teaching Materials; Teaching Method; Consolidation Exercises

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