
Current Issues in Educational Administration and Policy

Code: PEDU 6208
Course Title: Current Issues in Educational Administration and Policy

This course is designed to enrich students’ understanding of current trends in educational administration and policy in Hong Kong. It aims to sharpen students’ focus on the conceptual and methodological backgrounds of complex issues in a contested field where crucial educational matters are decided and put into action. A general treatment of the social, economic, and institutional perspectives will lay the foundation of inquiry into the approaches to policy formulation, policy implementation, and administrative conduct. A conscious effort to relate major policy and administration issues to relevant developmental experiences and research findings will facilitate political, social, and economic interpretations of policy and administrative measures that have far-reaching influence on the educational development of Hong Kong. Issues in educational structure, alternative models of schooling, organizational change in schools, parental voice and choice, curricular change, examination and assessment, and teacher development will constitute the major concerns of this course.