Department of Educational Psychology

CHEUNG Wing-Shan, Charis, Ph.D.

Lecturer, BSocSc, MPhil (HKU), PGDE, MA, PhD (CUHK)

Charis holds a Bachelor of Social Science and a Master of Philosophy degree in Psychology from the University of Hong Kong. She advanced her studies by obtaining a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, a Master of Arts degree in Values Education, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Charis has served as a teacher and graduate mistress in a local secondary school. She has also contributed to different school partnership programs and conducted research on spiritual education, values education, and life education.
Adolescence and Emerging adulthood, Self-initiated Learning, Experiential Learning, Life Education, Spiritual Education and Values Education
  1. 張穎珊(2016)。<「自主學習」教育理念實踐之個案研究:一所本地另類小學的經驗初探>。載於唐欣怡、鄭漢文編:《價值教育及價值教育探究》,頁 33 至 86。香港:香港教育研究所。

  2. 張穎珊(2012)。《教師的心靈培育:「心靈教育:學與教的終極關懷」計劃個案研究》。香港:塔冷通心靈書舍。

  3. Cheung, W. S. , & Ho, S. M. Y. (2006). Death metaphor in Chinese. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: A Hong Kong experience (pp. 117-126). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

  4. Cheung, W. S. , & Ho, S. M. Y. (2005). Death perception and life attitudes among Hong Kong undergraduates. In X. H. Su (Ed.), Life Education: Current status, curriculum, and suicide prevention《生命教育:推行現況、課程及防治自殺》 (pp. 276-295). Macau: Universideade De Macau.

  5. Cheung, W. S. , & Ho, S. M. Y. (2005). Exploration of death in psychology [心理學對死亡的探索]. In M. Y. Liang & C. H. Zhang (Eds.), Grazing into death: Multi-disciplinary perspective《凝視死亡》 (pp. 337-355). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

  6. Cheung, W. S., & Ho, S. M. Y. (2004). The use of death metaphors to understand personal meaning of death among Hong Kong Chinese undergraduates. Death Studies, 28, 47-62.