uReply Attendance (»ôÂI¦W)

This “uReply Attendance” is a new online service for you to keep track of contact history in the class.
Student submit their attendance by using their own mobile phone during the class.
The whole process is paperless and no physical contact required.

uReply website
Preparation (Teacher, One-Time):
  • Teacher requires to do an one-time registration before use. [ Registration Link (Teacher Only) ] .The system will email  an username/password for you.

Teacher operation during class
  • Login the website (http://teacher.uReply.mobi ). On the left hand side, Click the “Attendance (Beta)”. 
  • Create a session by providing the course code and room code.
  • Each session will be used once and have an Session Number/QR-Code. Inform the student to login to input by going to ureply apps/website with the given Session Number or scaning the QR code..
  • You can see the particpants list and end the session by click on the “End” button anytime when all students input.
  • After the class, you can download a report for that session.
  • Teacher is required to create a new session for individual week (will have same course code and room code).
Student action
  • Student can use the service via“uReply” mobile APP (Android/iOS)  ( Suggested ) / go to the website https://ureply.mobi ( or scan the QR code to go to the website)
  • Inside the mobile APP, enter the given Session Number and click “Join” button.
  • Login with O365 account
  • In some cases, the system will prompt you to input the seat number.
  • At the end, click “Confirm” to submit your attendance.
Attendance Report
  • Login the website (http://teacher.uReply.mobi ). On the left hand side, Click the “Report
  • Click Select under uReply. 
  • Under Report, click Attendance. You can view or download the attendance report there.
Useful Information:
CUHK ureply enquiry email ureply@cuhk.edu.hk
Ureply Attendance Video http://cu.ureply.mobi/media/attendanceTips_v1.mp4

ITSC User Manual


Last Update: 14 Oct 2020