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Education Magazine, Mingpao 明報教得樂


Books Recommendation

•  侯傑泰。 百所英語名校篩選的惡果:男精英漸少、小學更不重視英語 。明報,論壇 , 3 January, 1998 (There are less m ale elites and primary schools pay less attention to English. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。考試檢討的重點及成效。明報,論壇 , May 16, 1998 ( The emphases and effects of examination review. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。優質教育研究是否優質?大公報 , December 3, 4, 1998. (Is quality education research of high quality?) Tai Kung Pao.

•  侯傑泰。令人失望的「考試檢討報合」。明報,論壇 , 5 December, 1998 ( A disappointing examination review report. Ming Pao Forum)

•  侯傑泰。中六分區分階段收生建議。大公報 , December 19, 1998 (Recommendation for Secondary 6 place multistage regionalized admission. Tai Kung Pao)

•  侯傑泰。評估是必然趨勢。明報,論壇 , May 23, 1999 ( Evaluation is an unavoidable trend. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。升中派位未必歧視女生。明報,論壇 , August 28, 1999. (Secondary school place allocation does not necessarily discriminate against girls. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。應自行設計多種程度商業英語及電腦考試。信報, 10 September, 1999 ( Should develop multilevel Business English and Computer tests. Hong Kong Economic Journal)

•  侯傑泰。教師語文考試 ----- 質素是否已有保證?及格者會否真正驕倣?明報,論壇 , 12 June, 2000. (Teachers' language test: Is the quality guaranteed? Will the certified be proud of? Ming Pao, Forum).

•  侯傑泰。取消學能試並無不公平。明報,論壇 , 8 July, 2000 (It is not unfair to abolish the academic attainment test (AAT). Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。教師考牌:借鏡美國經驗。明報,論壇 , 28 August, 2000. (Licensure examinations for teachers: Experience from the U.S. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。量化收生標準誘使低劣操練。明報,論壇 , 3 October, 2000. (Quantification of student admission criteria leads to low level drilling. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。大學應設統一英語離校試。明報,論壇 , November 21, 2000. (We should set a unified university leaving English test. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。小班教學高成本低效果。明報,論壇 , 11 December, 2000. (Small class teaching: High cost, small effect. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。教大學生不能用馴獸法。明報,論壇 , 15 January, 2001. (“Taming of the Shrewd” is not the best way of teaching university students. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。評試題出錯,別只談改善教對。明報,論壇 , May 25, 2001 (Problems with examination questions, do not concentrate on proof-reading only. Ming Pao, Forum.)

•  侯傑泰。男生反被歧視?明報,論壇 , 30 June, 2001. (Are male students being discriminated? Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。以優質教材彌補英文教師不足。明報,論壇 , 7 July, 2001. (Using good teaching materials to solve the problem of insufficient English teachers. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。五改三母損名校收生。明報,論壇 , 22 March, 2002. (Changing from 5 to 3 bands does not affect the intake of prestigious schools. Ming Pao, Forum)

•  侯傑泰。比較學校:意願好、困難大、慎防惡果。星島日報,教育評論 , 31 December, 2002. (Comparing schools: Good intention, great difficulty, and be aware of detrimental consequences. SingTao, Educational Forum.)

•  侯傑泰。經費有限,小班教學物有所值?明報,論壇 , 9 September, 2002. (Limited resources: Are small classes worth the cost? Ming Pao: Forum)

•  侯傑泰。難計平時分 寧改大學收生。明報,論壇, 2 December, 2004. (Hard to calculate school marks, better to change university admission system. MingPao: Forum)

•  侯傑泰。應改革大學收生制度。明報,論壇, 3 December, 2004. (Should Change University Admission System. MingPao: Forum)

•  侯傑泰。明白新趨勢家長釋疑慮。明報,教得樂, 30 November, 2004. (Understanding the new trend will relieve parents’ anxiety. MingPao: Education Supplement)

•  侯傑泰。小班教學、誤作良方。明報,論壇, 21 December, 2004. (Wrongly take small class teaching as the panacea. MingPao: Forum)

•  侯傑泰。不求轟天動地 但願平穩改進 ── 中學教學語言及派位建議Small improvements are better than drastic changes: Medium of instruction and school place allocation of secondary schools


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