Chinese Journal of Science Education

Volume 1 No 2, pp. 111-134 (Setpember 1993)

Measurement in the Elementary School

CHEN Wen-Den

Abstract This paper represents a survey of measurement of attributes in the elementary school. A face-to-face perform test had practiced in the first to fouth grade students about length, volume and weightmeasurements.

We suggested a model of division for the profound sigificance of measurement into five levels: (a) Destinguishing, identifying the attributes and making comparison, seriation. (b) Using a convenient apparatily accuracy and reading, recording the data correctly. (c) Selecting a fit substitutive tool and choosing a suitable unit and can make a equivalent conversion. (e) Applying the relationship of attributes and effective stratagem to ameasuring problem.

The results of this test show that before grade one, students have well reached (a) level already. But the progress of next (b), (c), (d) steps is different in each attribuet. The "length" measurement is the most easy to handle among these attributes.

Most students failed in level (e), using the relationship between attributes and other varialbes to estimate or suggesting clever stratagem to solve flexuous measurement problems. This fact revealed that most of the students before grade four is poor in these concerning knowledge and do not ready to study or to solve such kind of problems.
Keywords: Measurement; Attributes; Variables

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