Journal of Education and Psychology

Volume 18, pp. 249-286 (September 1995)

Victimization of Blackmail and Its Fear in the Junior High School, Taiwan, R.O.C. From the Perspective of Victimology

Li-Hsing CHEN

School violence and fear of victimization in the junior high school are serious problems, and the researcher has recognized this issue and has finished several reports. Owing to money related, blackmail is quite unique though it is one of school violence. So, the researcher is trying to explore victimization of blackmail and its fear in the junior high school, Taiwan, R. 0. C., especially from the victimological perspective.

In this study, the researcher collected 9,305 questionnaires from Taiwan Area in 1992. SPSSPC+ is utilized to analyse data, including frequency, x2 , t-test, logistical regression analysis, logit loglinear model, and correlation coeffient. The purposes are:

  1. To explore the present situation of blackmail victimization and its fear in the junior high school;
  2. To explore the factors related to the blackmail victimization and the fear of blackmail;
  3. To verify the logistic regression model of the fear of blackmail which is proposed by the researcher;
  4. To verify the overlap theory of offenders, victims, and the fearful about the blackmail in the junior high school;
  5. To verify the logit loglinear model of the fear of blackmail which is proposed by the researcher.

In conclusion, the researcher presents some suggestions for prevention of blackmail victimization and its fear in the school to society, school, and family according to the findings from this study. For the future research in this area, the researcher proposes some suggestions after reviewing the limitations of this study.

Keywords: National high school; School violence; victimization phobia; survey research

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