Congratulations to BMED graduates

Congratulations to BMED graduates Alvin Chan, Tom Ho, Laura Lam, Marco Law, Elaine Li, and Thomas Lu for publishing their paper in EduMath

Ng, O., Liang, B., Chan, A., Ho, T., Lam, L., Law, M., Li, E., & Lu, T. (2023). A Collective Reflection on the Transition from Secondary to University Mathematics through the Lens of the “Double Discontinuity” by Felix Klein. EduMath 45.

Congratulations to BMED graduates Alvin Chan, Tom Ho, Don Tsoi, Angel Liu, and Marco Law on publishing their paper in SMN Newsletter (see attached).

Ng, O., Chan, A., Ho, T., Tsoi, D., Liu, A., Law, M., & Liang, B. (2023). Integration of Programming, Problem Solving and Recreational Mathematics for a Computationally Enhanced Mathematics Education. SMN Newsletter, 26, 7-28).