Tse Pui Yi Angela

Tse Pui Yi Angela

Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme (ELED) – 2023 Graduate

<Only English version is available>

Teaching practicum marks a transition between roles for Education majors like us. It is the period when we convert from being a student to a pre-service teacher. In the previous two years, I have conducted both teaching practicums and had the opportunity to hone my teaching techniques in authentic classroom settings. The experience was truly inspiring, and the insights my mentors shared were invaluable.

“Teaching practicum is the time for you to explore and experiment with different teaching strategies” This was a piece of advice my mentor from STFA Leung Kau Kui College, shared with me when we were discussing the lesson plans I designed for my class. He encouraged me to be ambitious and creative in making new attempts so that I can test how students respond to various teaching activities. With this notion in mind, I was motivated to incorporate a diverse teaching style in my classrooms and observed how students reacted. Each lesson was taking me a step closer to providing a more personalized lesson which caters to the students’ learning styles.

On top of planning for the lessons, my mentor’s attitude in teaching was what I find most uplifting. Teaching a class of young and active learners, there were times when things did not proceed accordingly. It can be devastating when we could not deliver what we planned due to the excessive time spent on classroom management, and this was very common with my class. My mentor noticed my struggles and shared his perspective with me on the importance of being optimistic in teaching. He helped me see how English teachers in Hong Kong play such a vital role in promoting English learning. Every encounter with an English teacher can shape how students perceive the language and subject in the long term. Therefore, instead of sticking strictly to the teaching schedule, it is more meaningful if we can provide students with a pleasant learning experience.

My teaching practice experience was rewarding for I had the chance to learn from my mentors and receive so much constructive feedback from my supervisors. Learning how to teach is a lifelong journey and I am grateful that the ELED programme and the teaching practicums had equipped me with a solid foundation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mentors who supported me throughout the teaching practicum as well as all the people who helped me through the ELED programme. To those who are currently or soon will be conducting their teaching practicum, I genuinely wish you the best of luck and hope you will enjoy your teaching practicum as much as I did.