Educational Research

A Publication of China National Institue for Educational Research

No. 12, December 1993


The 100th Anniversary of Mao Zedong Birthed
3 On the main contents and characteristics of Mao Zedong's educational thoughts *
  WU Wei
8 Mao Zedong and peasant education *
  LU Zhongtang
11 Mao Zedong's thoughts of educational character and function *
  TU Naideng
19 Issues on socialist market economy and education *
  ZHUO Qingjun
24 Problems of education and market economy *
  QI Shuqing
29 Issues on building socialist educational market *
  WEN Shance
34 Depening the agricultural Higher education reform, in the condition of market economy *
  YE Weiheng
38 A summary of the symposium on education *
  WANG DianRu and others
42 The modernization of China and the development of education *
  LI Yixian
47 The comparison of educational strategies of some countries and districts *
  The research group
52 On the building of educational inspection system with chinese characters *
  XIANG Hongye
58 Coordinated effect and the reform and development of education with TV *
  HUANG Yiliang
64 Traditional culture and humanities curriculum *
  DING Gang
67 on the compitation of a school history *
  JI Xiaofeng

* Articles in Chinese

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