


PEDU7208 教育組織和領導 [English version only]
This course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how educational organizations ‘work’ and of the complexities of school leadership. It seeks to locate these understandings within relevant theoretical, empirical and practical contexts. Processes central to effective administration are analyzed in relation to their influence on educational organizations and the ways leaders drive organizational change and development. Acquired knowledge and insights about educational organizations and leadership will be applied to relevant, practically-based problems through the use of case materials, critiques and other analytic tools. Through reviewing and applying a broad range of literature the course aims to encourage students to develop their own conceptualization of educational organizations and leadership approaches as a means to guide their future inquiry in the field.




PEDU6011 行政及組織理論


MECM6201 幼兒教育的領導及管理
本科旨在探討幼兒教育上兩個重要的範圍:教育領導及管理。教育領導及管理的作用 對組織的效能有決定性的影響。這課程會介紹學員認識有關教育領導和管理的理論和 種類。通過課堂上的認知、探討和反思活動,學員會認識各種領導和管理理論的效用, 從而掌握改善領導風格和組織管理的技巧。完成本科後,學員可將教育領導和管理的 理論結合運用,掌握如何在幼兒教育組織內運用適當的善領導風格和管理知識,從而 提升幼兒教育機構的效能。學員亦可以從教育領導和管理理論的視角探討教育問題及 評析教育改革的成效。


PEDU6206 學校變革的管理


SILP6003 促進學校改進的評估
本科集中探討評鑑學校改善的不同觀點、模式和方法論。首先,本科將檢視不同的評 鑑背後的意識形態及取向。其次,本科會探討形成性與總結性評鑑方法的各種模式、 校本評鑑中持分者的角色及其與學校改善的關係。最後,校本評鑑、校外評估和教師 評鑑等議題亦將會在本科中討論。




PGDE5211 學校教育的架構和過程
學校教育是現代社會的一個重要部份。教師作為這個制度的主要參與者及貢獻者,他們必須充份了解自身在學校教育架構和過程的角色。本科旨在協助教師理解學校 教育的組織和過程的本質,並透過不同的觀點去探討學校教育的架構和過程的重要方面,包括:(一)在課室層面的師生交往;(二)在組織層面的學校結構與文 化;(三)在社會層面的社會化與分層化機制;及(四)在文化層面的知識的選擇與傳遞。


PGDE5226R 教師發展及領導 [English version only]
This is an elective course in the postgraduate diploma of education programme. The contemporary education system requires teachers to take on multiple roles and perform complicated tasks in the school organization and in the classroom. Without extensive experience and a deep knowledge of how a school functions, teachers are sometimes unprepared to meet these challenges. The present course is designed to enable teachers to gain a perceptive understanding of how a school operates, and to equip them with the skills to handle difficult situations in schools, the objectives of which is for them to develop a capacity to learn in various opportunities and exert themselves as leaders in the classroom and in the school organization. The course treats teacher learning as action learning in the school context, and leadership as a quality that operates at multiple levels throughout the school. Topics covered in the course are: understanding the complexity of the school and the education system, developing personal mastery and personal vision in education, problem solving in the organization and in the classroom, learning shared vision and team building skills, leading and managing change in school, etc.


EDD5219 Education and the Law
現今學校的環境變得很複雜,現行很多的教育法例和其他的法例正衝擊著學校,教學工作亦變得十分艱巨,教師隨時有誤墮法網的危機。本科旨在幫助教師認識現行 的教育條例和教育有關的法例的基本知識,讓教師能發揮保障學生和個人的權益。課程內容包括介紹教育法律的不同觀點,探討學校、教師、學生和有關人士( 如校 董、校長和家長等)的權利和責任,以及審議本地的教育法例等。教學方法主要是透過案例和小組研習,使學員學會如何分析教育政策和日常學校活動與法例有關的 範疇。涉獵的法例包括香港的《教育法例》、《教育則例》、《資助則例》、《合約法》、《民事侵權法》、《刑事法》、《人權法》,《平等機會條例》、《私隱 條 例》、《版權條例》,以及其他的法例範疇等


Chinese University of Hong Kong