Dr. CHEUNG Yin-chu, Edith

Senior Lecturer

Formerly taught and coordinated Chinese language, literature, and culture in secondary schools and tertiary institutions for over 20 years. Courses taught include Subject Curriculum and Instruction (Chinese), Chinese Culture and Teaching of Chinese etc.
Research Areas
Research interests include Chinese reading texts and teaching, Chinese writing and teaching, and Chinese teachers’ self-efficacy.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
  1. 張燕珠(2023)。篇章段落的處理、劃分和連貫。國文天地,38(11),71-76。
  2. 張燕珠(2022)。在PISA閱讀素養框架下比較不同教學年資教師自評文言篇章教學策略:以香港中學為例。高雄師大學報(教育與社會科學類),53,31-54。
  3. 張燕珠(2022)。吳錫麒的詞學思想及其實踐。能仁學報,17,691-703。
  4. 張燕珠(2021)。香港初中現代文閱讀教學中篇章的銜接分析研究。教育學報,49(1),211-227。
  5. 張燕珠(2021)。詞學史上經典化王安石詞的歷程。東華理工大學學報(社會科學版),40(5),451-457。
  6. 張燕珠(2021)。香港宋王臺詩與明代厓山詩的傳承關係。新亞論叢,22,323-336。
  7. 張燕珠(2021)。朱彝尊詞的因果章法。國文天地,36(9),106-110。
  8. 張燕珠(2020)。浙西詞派與「詞綜」系列的關係。新亞論叢,21,299-312。
  9. 張燕珠(2020)。王昶清雅詞學與創作中的時代精神。文學論衡,37,43-52。
  10. 張燕珠(2020)。厲鶚清雅詞學及其創作風格。中國韻文學刊,34(3),79-85。
  11. 張燕珠(2019)。朱彝尊的雅正詞學思想。新亞論叢,20,365-376。
  12. 張燕珠(2018)。篇章教學中的詞匯銜接——以中學中國語文學習參考篇章為討論範疇。國文天地,34(4),94-98。
  13. 張燕珠(2018)。《絕妙好詞》的重塑與經典化。文學論衡,32,33-44。
  14. 張燕珠(2018)。浙西詞派從復雅到去雅的轉向。華中學術,22,200-209。
  15. 張燕珠(2018)。浙西詞派經典化南宋詞的意義。中國韻文學刊,85(2),74-78。

  1. 張燕珠(2022)。《孤獨園上的露絲詩集》。香港:初文出版社有限公司。(香港藝術發展局資助)
  2. 張燕珠(2021)。《城市回眸:香港文學探論》。香港:初文出版社有限公司。(「第19屆十本好讀」中學組候選書籍)

Book Chapters
  1. 張燕珠(2023)。〈民國報刊中的香港傳統抒情文體作為教材之研究——以中國語文科「建議篇章」為構建框架〉。載陳曙光、何志恒、施仲謀主編,《文言經典與文化教學實踐新探》(頁237-255)。香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司。
  2. 張燕珠(2020)。〈浙西詞派雅正理論的譜系學研究〉。載熊志琴、曾智聰主編,《承傳與流播:全球脈絡與中國文化論集》(頁251-268)。臺北:秀威資訊科技股份有限公司。
  3. 張燕珠(2015)。〈演講人生〉。載樊善標、陳燕遐、馬輝洪主編,《二十一世紀中大的一日》(頁430-432)。香港:香港中文大學香港文學研究中心。

Conference Papers and Presentations
  1. Cheung, Y. C. (2023, February). Exploring the application of reading and cohesive structure diagrams in classical Chinese teaching in secondary schools. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Han-Character Education and Research (Virtual), Poland.
  2. Cheung, Y. C. (2022, July). Studies on the traditional lyrical style of Hong Kong in newspapers and periodicals of the Republican era as teaching materials: Based on the "Suggested Text" of the Chinese Language curriculum. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Chinese Language Education (Virtual), Hong Kong, China.
  3. Cheung, Y. C. (2022, June). On the relationship between the origin of Chinese characters and the evolution of civilization in the newspapers and periodicals of the late Qing dynasty. Paper presented at the 7th International Academic Forum on Documentary Linguistics (Conference Proceedings Vol. II, pp. 605-614) (Virtual), Zhengzhou, China.
  4. Cheung, Y. C. (2022, May). The traditional lyrical style of Hong Kong newspapers and periodicals as secondary school reading materials. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Han-Character Education and Research (Conference Proceedings, pp. 242-251) (Virtual), South Korea.
  5. Cheung, Y. C. (2021, December). The process of canonizing Wang Anshi’s Ci (Poetry) in the history of Ci (Poetry). Paper presented at the Symposium to Commemorate the Millennium of the Birth of Wang Anshi (Virtual), Jiangxi, China.
  6. Cheung, Y. C. (2021, December). Digital humanities are taught in classical Chinese poetry and articles in secondary schools. Paper presented at the HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021 (Virtual), Hong Kong, China.
  7. Cheung, Y. C. (2021, October). University classical Chinese poetry teaching and professional construction from the digital humanities perspective. Paper presented at the 2021 International Conference on the Digital Humanities for Historical Works and Sinographs (Virtual), South Korea.
  8. Cheung, Y. C. (2021, August). Yashan's poems during the Ming dynasty influenced Hong Kong's Sung Wong Toi's old poems. Paper presented at the Ming Dynasty Literature International Symposium and the 13th Annual Meeting of the Ming Dynasty Literature Association of China (preparation) (Virtual), Shanghai, China.
  9. Cheung, Y. C. (2021, May). University creative writing: Combining classical literature and linguistics. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Chinese Creative Writing and Cross-Media Practice, Hong Kong, China.
  10. Cheung, Y. C. (2020, December). Reading and teaching of Xixi’s novels based on the Theory of Text Cohesion and Coherence. Paper presented at the Floating City: International Conference on Xixi (Virtual), Hong Kong, China.
  11. Cheung, Y. C. (2019, November). Summary of Ming Ci's characteristics. Paper presented at the Ming Dynasty Literature International Symposium and the 12th Annual Meeting of the Ming Dynasty Literature Association of China (preparation) (Conference Proceedings Vol. II, pp. 11158-1166), Shenzhen, China.
  12. Cheung, Y. C. (2019, June). The teaching of classical poems: Chinese reading texts in Hong Kong secondary schools. Paper presented at the New Era on Chinese International Education Academic Conference, Qingdao, China.
  13. Cheung, Y. C. (2019, March). A genealogical study of the theory of elegance in the School of Zhe Xi in the Qing dynasty. Paper presented at the Chinese Culture in the Global Context International Conference 2019, Hong Kong, China.
  14. Cheung, Y. C. (2018, October). Analysis of Chinese texts in secondary schools from Systemic Functional Linguistics. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference on Bilingual Learning and Teaching, Hong Kong, China.
  15. Cheung, Y. C. (2018, April). The canonization of Cao Tang Shi Yu in the Qing dynasty. Paper presented at the 3rd International Academic Conference on the Development of Chinese Culture and Humanities (Conference Proceedings, pp. 1209-1222), Hong Kong, China.