Sui Ping (Graduated in 2021)

The CHED programme provides comprehensive learning opportunity for students. It allows students to have an all-rounded development while putting theory into practice. The diversified curriculum and meaningful internship suit my learning interests and needs. As a result, I am more competent in early childhood education and better equipped to become a professional early childhood educator.

Ka Wei (Graduated in 2020)

During the two years of study, the internship has benefited me the most. After designing learning activities in preschool institutions for children with special learning needs, I realized that as a teacher, while giving love and care to children, I really need to have a strong theoretical foundation to fully understand and respond to their learning needs. I hope that in the future I can continue to practice what I have learned, never forgetting my original intention: to accompany the next generation in their exploration and developing understanding of the world.

Hong (Graduated in 2020)

This programme not only consolidated my knowledge of early childhood education, but also provided opportunities for me to broaden my horizons and explore my career path.

Angela Lam (Graduated in 2019)

The journey at CUHK took me beyond my expectations. My experiences have prepared me well to take on the challenges of an educator in the future.

Lillian Chui (Graduated in 2019)

For these two fruitful years, I must give thanks to my teachers and classmates in the CHED programme. Through them, I have found my path towards becoming a good teacher.