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经济学学士(中山大学)、文学硕士、哲学硕士、哲学博士(哥伦比亚大学)。剑桥大学访问学者(2016/7),剑桥大学卡莱尔学堂终身会员. 现任香港教育研究所副所长,香港中文大学崇基学院院委会委员。校内外兼职主要包括雅礼协会教育委员会委员,优质学校改进计划顾问委员会主席,世界大学联盟经济指导小组成员,中大全球中国研究计划成员,以及中大人口研究中心委任教授。欧教授从事教育经济学研究,主要研究兴趣包括教育改革的影响与结果,以及人力资本与移民融合的相互作用。她主持的研究项目多次获得英国国家科学院、香港研究资助局、田家炳基金会和世界大学联盟基金资助。此外,她还拥有在伦敦政治经济学院经济绩效中心(Centre for Economic Performance, LSE)、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)、福特基金会(Ford Foundation)和公立学校新视野中心(New Visions for Public Schools)等主要机构的研究和咨询经验。目前主要教授研究生和本科生的教育政策,教育与发展以及教育财政等课程。

  • 教育经济学
  • 教育政策
  • Ou, Dongshu and Zhong Zhao. 2022. “Higher Education Expansion in China, 1999-2003: Impact on Graduate Employability.” China & World Economy, 30(2),117-141.
  • Cathles, Alison, Dongshu Ou, Simone Sasso, Mary Setrana and Tom van Veen. 2021. “Where Do You Come from, Where Do You Go? Assessing Skills Gaps and Labour Market Outcomes for Young Adults with Different Immigration Backgrounds.” International Journal of Educational Development, 86.
  • Ou, Dongshu and Yuna Hou. 2019. “Bigger Pie, Bigger Slice? The Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Educational Opportunity in China.” Research in Higher Education, 60,358–391.
  • Ou Dongshu. 2016. “The Universal Provision of Primary Education: Who Benefits?” Education Economics, 24(5), 511-535.
  • Ou Dongshu. 2015. “Immigrants and Earnings Inequality Across Gender: Evidence from Hong Kong.” Journal of Asian Public Policy, 8(3) (lead article), 245-275.
  • David Post, Pong Suet-ling and Ou Dongshu. 2015. “One Country Two Peoples? Trends in the Assimilation and Separation of Hong Kong’s Mainland-born Population.” Asian Population Studies, 11(1), 67-93.
  • Pong Suet-ling, David Post, Ou Dongshu and Maggie S. Y. Fok. 2014. “Blurring Boundaries? Immigration and Exogamous Marriages in Hong Kong.” Population and Development Review, 40(4), 629-652.
  • Ou Dongshu. 2013. “Education for All: Quasi-experimental Estimates of the Impacts of Compulsory Primary Education in Hong Kong.” Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(3) (lead article), 267-283.